Korea DFL Drone Education Academy

  What is DFL Drone Education Academy ?

  • The Korea DFL Drone Education Academy is an official DFL drone racing institution to foster professional drone racing athletes to compete in the DFL (Drone Formula League), Korea's first professional drone racing league, and the first professional drone racing institution in Korea. It is also an educational institution that utilizes the drone industry.

  Purpose of establishment

  • In October 2024, the federation held the 'DFL Drone Racing Formula League' competition through the Drone Demonstration City Project of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Through this, the federation opened the 'Korea DFL Drone Education Academy' as a drone education center to promote the drone industry along with continuous DFL competitions.

  DFL Drone Racer Training Program and Curriculum

  • Pro course (Advanced course)
  • Freedom League ( Beginners Courses)

     * Detailed program notification will be announced in the future.

  • Others, elementary, middle, and high school customized needs education, online lectures, and open experience events. Drone events will be held.

  On your way to Korea DFL Drone Education Academy

  • Room 203, E&C Venture Dream Tower, 38-21, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul

         (Training center in the building where the Federation of Korean Drone Business)